Unlocking the Secrets to Weight Loss

Unlocking the Secrets to Weight Loss


Are you or someone you know struggling with obesity? Our latest episode dives deep into the causes of obesity, the role of the endocannabinoid system, and practical strategies for weight management. Discover how gut health and dietary choices can impact your weight loss journey. Don't miss this insightful discussion filled with empathy and actionable tips.


  • (02:36) The endocannabinoid system regulates whether you're full or hungry
  • (04:45) Glutides are supposed to help you lose weight by stimulating satiety
  • (15:24) Restricting food is like trying to take heroin away
  • (18:00) Trumetics fast products are designed to be super safe for kids
  • (19:58) Omega 3 and omega 6 fats build the endocannabinoid system

Obesity & Weight Loss: Why It Happens & How You Can Take Control Naturally

Did you know over 50% of adults today are classified as overweight or obese? But what if there’s more to obesity than just counting calories or blaming willpower?

In this week’s Chip Talks Health podcast, Chip dives deep into the real root causes of obesity—beyond fad diets and pharma solutions like Ozempic. Drawing from personal experience and decades of research, he breaks down how your body's endocannabinoid system plays a key role in hunger, satiety, and metabolism regulation.

Plus, he sheds light on how your gut biome—specifically the balance of bacteria like Firmicutes and Bacteroides —can hijack your cravings and sabotage your weight loss efforts.

Chip also reveals:

  • Why semaglutides (Ozempic, Mounjaro) might help short-term but come with risks
  • How something as simple as a tablespoon of olive oil could curb hunger naturally
  • Why fermented foods and omega-3 fats are powerful tools in restoring balance and managing weight
  • His personal favorite tip: intermittent fasting 

Ready to ditch the gimmicks and understand the science behind sustainable weight loss? Tune in, and learn how to take back control of your health—naturally.

" I understand the frustration that a lot of people have who are overweight and understand a lot of the things that you go through"

Full Transcript on Obesity

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another exciting version of the Chip Talks podcast. You probably know someone who might need to lose some weight. You might need to lose some weight yourself. Today, we're going to talk about obesity, and we're going to talk about why obesity happens, what it might be, and how you might be able to change that situation yourself without any semi-glides like Ozempic or Mounjourno or all those guys. We're going to explore this in-depth, and we're going to talk about what obesity is and what happens to people who are obese. Now, I have some personal experience with this.

So, when I was young, when I was, let's say, between the ages of 10 and 14, I was overweight, not morbidly overweight, but I would have been categorized as obese when I was a child. And like all kids, I got made fun of and called names and all that. But my personal experience with it was that I wanted to lose weight. I wanted to look like other kids. I wanted to be thin and attractive and all that stuff. I couldn't. I couldn't. What happened to me was I started using marijuana when I was 15 and 16 years old, and guess what happened? All that weight went away. I also started smoking cigarettes, which I wouldn't recommend. And I'm old, you know, this was back in the 1970s. But I know what that feels like and I know what it feels like to be judged for your weight. And I know what it feels like to work with everything in you, let's say, to try to lose that weight and not be able to.

So, I understand the frustration that a lot of people have who are overweight and understand a lot of the things that you go through, let's just say. I have empathy for people who are overweight. Now, weight loss is what we're running at now. Well over 50% of our adult population would be classified as overweight or obese. And there's a new word for this: metabolic syndrome. And that would also include your propensity to be diabetic and heart stuff, right? And we'll talk about each of these things individually. We won't lump them all into one big thing but will discuss them individually. But today, we're going to talk about weight loss.

The endocannabinoid system regulates whether you're full or hungry.

So, let's first discuss how your body understands whether you're full or need nutrients. That happens through something called the endocannabinoid system, which is our master regulatory system. By the way, this has nothing to do with marijuana, which is what I'm going to talk to you about.

So don't get wrapped around the axle. That chip said endocannabinoids. So, we must be talking about marijuana. No, we're not talking about marijuana at all. We're talking about an internal system inside of you and inside of your dog and your cat and your fish and your bird called the endocannabinoid system. This system is naturally fed and driven by dietary fats, not marijuana. Your dog doesn't smoke marijuana, and he has a master regulatory system called the endocannabinoid system.

So, he has to drive this with fats, and that's the way you drive it. But the endocannabinoid system is. It's our master regulatory system. So, as such, it's responsible for gee. I feel full now, and gee, I feel hungry.

It is the control on. On those, let's say, situations. Okay. And, because of our food addiction, I do a lot of podcasts about food and talk a lot about this. We kind of lost. We kind of lost this feedback mechanism a little bit. But we certainly should be able to tell when we're full. And we shouldn't be like horses. When I was growing up, they said, yeah, a horse doesn't have any mechanism to let it know when it's full.

So, you have to control a horse's food. If you just, you know, put a giant truck full of oats in front of a horse, it would eat itself to death. It's like, wow. Well, it turns out we're kind of the same way. And a lot of us are eating ourselves to death. But we'll talk about how that works in a second. However, the endocannabinoid system is the master regulator of the mammalian body. And so, as such, it's involved with how you feel full and hungry.

Sem glutes are supposed to help you lose weight by stimulating satiety.

But let's talk about how you feel quickly because there's much of this in the news. So, we've all heard of these semi-glides, right? Ozempic and Mongerno. And all this stuff's supposed to be the greatest thing in the world to help you lose weight. Well, what do these drugs do? Well, all they're doing is stimulating your satiety. Satiety means fullness. I'm full, I'm satisfied, I'm sated.

So, they're stimulating your satiety molecules, which are GLP1 GIP and peptide YY. There's a bunch of them that come out of a cell to, let's say, signal that, hey, I've got enough nutrients, I'm good, don't have to eat anymore, don't have to do anything else, I'm good. Well, the semi-glutides do that directly at the cellular level.

So, they are in the middle of a bunch of systems, let's say, that are trying to communicate with cells and get feedback from cells, and, you know, cells sing songs to each other. All right, now you have a big brass drum beating in the middle of all that cellular signaling that says shut off your satiety molecules. Now, will that cause you to lose weight? Yeah, but there are going to be some unintended consequences.

So, suppose you understand how the endocannabinoid system works, though. In that case, you can understand that all those cells and those satiety molecules, those I'm full molecules, are controlled at a higher level through the endocannabinoid system. And they would have to be because the endocannabinoid system is our master regulatory system. So, instead of trying to flip six switches in every cell, you can flip one, which flips all those switches in many cells.

And that's what we think is best. That's what your body is; that's how your body works. Your body has a big master switch, GPR120, that can be pushed with an endocannabinoid built from oleic acid. It's built from olive oil or, you know, avocados or nuts that are built from oleic acid called ethanol oleamide or OEA. OEA impacts the GRP120 neuroreceptor and causes you to feel full by releasing GLP1s, GIPS, and peptide YYs.

So, you don't need to get a shot in the arm to release all these guys. All you need to do is eat oleic acid. Kinda. Okay, kinda. Technically, if, let's say, you weigh too much, and you're super hungry, and it's not time for you to eat, I should be able to give you a tablespoon of olive oil, and you should feel full. That should satisfy any, let's say, nutritional cravings or things like that. Right? Stomach rumbling is a different deal. And maybe we'll talk about that in a second. Maybe we won't. I won't dive down that rabbit hole now, but.

You can go 40 days without eating because you store lots of nutrients.

I'll dive down that rabbit hole because we all think this is full. We all think this is what it means to be full. So, here are a couple of facts, all right? You can go 40 days, 40 days without eating. Most of us can let's say, and certainly, if you're overweight, you likely can go longer than that because you have lots of nutrients stored. They may not be good nutrients, but you have nutrients stored. But anyway, we can go 40 days without eating.

So why do I feel hungry or what I think of as hungry every day at about 10:00 and every day at about 3:00. What's going on there? Do I need to eat at those times? No, it turns out our body's a machine, and our body works about the sun. Okay. And during certain times of the day, it's time to work in certain body parts. The Chinese body clock, if you want reference to this.

And if you look at the Chinese body clock, it will tell you that, let's say, between 11 am and 1 pm, we're working on our heart. All right? If you eat lunch between 11 and 1 pm, you are not working on your heart anymore; you are working on your food. Okay? But it also turns out that between about 10:00, between 9 and 11, let's say, and somewhere around 3:00 in the afternoon, we begin to express CB1 neuroreceptors in our gut. And this is what we feel is the tummy rumbling. And this is what we mistake: I'm hungry. Well, that's not what the signal is. The signal just means now would be a good time to eat because of the Chinese body clock.

So, I'm not doing anything else now, Chip. I'm not working on your heart; I'm not working on anything. Now would be a good time to eat. I can work on your food while not working on anything else. And we'll get more over the next five years. You'll get much of this stuff you won't even know; it'll just glaze your eyes, right? Now, around 10 am, I don't eat in the morning. In a perfect world, intermittent, fast, and kind of take the afternoon window of 3 to 4 o'clock. But that appears to be a good time to eat. And it's when your body is not working on other stuff.

We all get tummy rumbling about 10 am, let's say, and about 3 pm, why? Because it's just a good time to eat. But it doesn't mean we have to eat at those times. And what will satisfy that tummy rumbling? A tablespoon of olive oil will satisfy that tummy rumbling unless you've got extenuating circumstances. Okay, what would those extenuating circumstances be? Well, it is something we have never considered in medical science. That's the existence of a critter, a bug, a third party. And it turns out that there are bacteria. Some of these we think of as super helpful bacteria that might not be, but there are bacteria in our gut biome that will convert our bile.

So, how you feel full has to do with bile, and it has to do with how bile attaches to a certain enzyme structure and how that enzyme structure is used to build SATA D molecules. And if your bile is being impacted in certain ways, let's say, then you can't do it. You can't make the satiety molecule. You will never feel full. You'll be like that horse we learned about when we were kids that just pulled him up to a truck full of oats, and he can eat and eat and eat and eat, and he will never feel full. And that's what happens in obesity. No feedback at all. No feedback. And here's the other thing that happens in obesity, as these are certain.

So, you have two major types of bacteria in your gut biome. Bacteroides and firmicutes. And bacterioides, for the most part, are kind of the good guys. Although you need both sides, Bacteroides are the good guys for the most part.

So, they'll produce short-chain fatty acids that help offset, let's say, nutritional deficiencies that help build our immune system. They produce short-chain fatty acids that tighten our gut junctions and help with IBS and Crohn's. You don't want too many of them. You don't want them overgrown. But at the same time, they're kind of the good guys, all right? The bad guys. And they do good stuff, too, but they're considered the bad guys to be firmicutes, right?

If these guys overgrow, they begin to have more of a caloric demand than your tissues. You're signaling that something gets messed up between what your tissues and organs need and what these third parties need. And these third parties can affect your signaling. Let's say, "I'm hungry. I need to eat." And they need to eat more than you do.

So, they will signal you to eat more than you normally would. And they signal hard. They signal with dopamine and serotonin. They signal in a rewarding way, like, eat this cookie, and I will make you feel good about it. They can do that because they have some control over dopamine and serotonin. Now, anyone can override, let's say, those impulses with force of will. I mean, we're strong, strong, let's say, souls riding in this body.

We can override those impulses with the force of will. But simultaneously, if we don't know they're there, we can't. Imagine this if people who, let's say, have trouble with weight or losing weight are overgrown with a certain type of bacteria. It's kind of, is that beyond their control? Well, no. They can change their diet and, you know, change that. But we haven't known that in the past. Right?

So, we don't know how configurable we were around our diet in the past. We've just all accepted, accepted that, you know, I am what I am. I can't, you know, change my form and function. But it turns out we're darn configurable around what we eat. But let's say you've kind of been eating the same thing. The same thing. And you might have tried to diet, you might have tried to cut back on calories. None of that matters because what you've been eating, let's say, for the past two or three years has established a pattern. You become overgrown in a certain type of bacteria, and those bacteria will demand calories, will demand more calories than the rest of your tissue systems, which will cause you to overeat. And this is the loop that most obese people are in. Okay, and can you change this loop? Yeah, I will tell you how to change it briefly. But how do we try to change this loop now?

Well, we try to change it by restricting food. Well, that's just like, literally, this is like trying to take heroin away from a person with a heroin addiction. It's, it's not going to work. The signals are Powerful. Some people carry too much weight and can override those signals that most people can't.

That signaling will signal for things like gluten, sugar, high-calorie foods, and things that aren't good for us but are good for bacteria. The bacteria like them. These overgrown bacteria want you to eat a lot of sugar, gluten, and amino acids. They'll chow down on amino acids. They will, you know, have control over dopamine and serotonin.

If you're not paying attention, you'll eat cookies in the cookie aisle and wonder what happened. Why am I in the cookie aisle eating cookies? What can we do? So, are there things that we can do? Yeah, absolutely. We can get involved in all this in many ways. At Trumedx, we have built a product called Fast. This product takes all of these things into consideration.

This product will give you the Satady molecule, which creates area and produces satiety. It also knocks back much of this noise in the gut biome and many bacteria that want to alter bile.

We're changing that situation while providing this sedative molecule. This appears to work very, very well. And it's super safe. Right? We're just using food—I'm just using food to do all this—and it's super safe. The results are similar to what pharma is getting, which is super interesting. Right?

So, we're just using super safe natural products, but we're doing this in a way that we're understanding how those natural products work and how they block and tackle in your system. Then, we also understand the problem at a deeper level. That's why, you know, we can, let's say, perform this voodoo magic, you know, where other companies and people can't, is it's just because we have a deeper understanding of the endocannabinoid system, a deeper understanding of how you work, and a deeper understanding of how natural processes affect that.

Turmeric’s fast products are designed to be super safe for kids.

Okay, all right. If you want to do it by-product, we've got a product. And, you know, please don't inject the semi-glottides. That's just not safe. You can read on every package or semi-guide why it's unsafe, what it will do to you, and what the adverse reactions are. You can also go online and look at those.

So, you know you don't want to go down that path. And as long as you're not allergic to anything in our products, our products are all designed to be super safe. Kids can take our products; they're safe. So, if you have a kiddo struggling with weight, check out Turmeric’s fast product. But what can you do on your own? And it, you know, God gives me knowledge, I feel like. And whether you believe that or not, that's up to you, but I know that to be true.

So, God gives me knowledge, but part of my deal with God is that I have to pass on that knowledge to you. I need to tell you how to do this on your own. And that's part of my deal. Here you go. Here's how you can do it on your own. Firmicutes. Overgrowth is always associated with, let's say, not enough fermented food. Fermented food will control the bacteroid side of things more. And that's what we want to do: promote the bacterioids and bacterioides over the firmicutes. And we can do that with fermented food.

So apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut, pickles. But watch the dye in pickles. They put a lot of horrible dye in pickles. Things like that, kimchi, you know, those little pickled onions, little purple pickled onions, anything like that. Add those into your diet, which will help re-establish a more normal gut biome and help cut down the cravings and obesity profile.

Omega 3 and omega six fats build the endocannabinoid system.

What else do we want to say about obesity? Let's throw in this last little bit because this is super important. You will hear me talk about this on almost every podcast because it's important and has a hole in our understanding of our work. Okay, the most important foods you eat daily are omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Why are these important? They are just for a hundred thousand reasons, but they build your endocannabinoid system. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats build our master regulatory system, the endocannabinoid system. They also help confirm a biome. If a biome is omega-six heavy, you'll have a lot leakier gut and more propensity to gain weight. You will be much more dysregulated than a gut biome with equal parts of omega three and six fats.

So, the last piece of this is really up the omega 3s and make sure you're balancing your omega three and omega six fat. It would be almost impossible to lose weight, let's say, under our current average consumption of omega-6 fats versus omega-three fats. It's just not going to happen. And the other thing you're doing is configuring your immune system in a very inflammatory and reactionary way that also doesn't help with obesity. In fact, in obesity, obese people lose their endocannabinoid tone. So, in the endocannabinoid system, it's like an engineering surface.

And if I have more touch points on an engineering surface, I have more control over that surface. And omega 3s promote or help promote more engineering surfaces. Omega 6s help deny the engineering surface. And the more engineering surfaces I can have, the more control I'll have over things. It's really interesting because people who are obese have way higher circulating endocannabinoids, and they seem to have less control over their bodies.

So, isn't it interesting that the body appears to be working hard to control itself, to control that obesity, but at the same time, the signals aren't being received? And why? It's because of all the noise in the gut biome and an overconsumption of omega 6. Hopefully, that will give you some more information about obesity if you are overweight. Hopefully, you've learned something from this, and hopefully, you've got some new tips and techniques to try. I'll give you one more. Intermittent fasting is the biggest tool I think I could ever teach anybody. Intermittent fasting will help remedy this situation. If you're overgrown in Firmicutes, you will have to do something. You're going to have to eat more fermented food, or you're going to have to take something like a Traumatic product or something. But ideally, we want to balance that endocannabinoid system.

All right, well, let's leave it here for now. So, we'll be back next Friday with another exciting episode of the Chip Talks podcast, where we will dissect another human problem down to the very nip and nub. We'll tell you guys about how to fix yourselves. We also likely will have a product that will help you at Turmeric’s. We'll see you guys next week for another exciting version of the Chip Talks podcast.

Unlocking the Secrets to Weight Loss
truemedx weight loss bundle


The TrueMedX Gut Health Bundle is designed for those looking to support their digestive wellness and microbiome balance. This bundle offers a three-step approach:
1️⃣ Cleansing – Using plant-based ingredients to help maintain gut balance
2️⃣ Restoring – Supporting microbiome diversity and digestive function
3️⃣ Maintaining – Providing essential nutrients for daily gut wellness

Gut Restore Tablets – A blend of botanicals and prebiotics to help support gut microbiome balance and digestive function .
Gut Restore Tincture – A concentrated herbal blend traditionally used to support digestive balance and overall gut wellness .
Enhanced Omega-3 with CBG – A plant-based omega-3 formula featuring broad-spectrum cannabinoids, designed to complement daily wellness.
Deworm Tablets – A blend of herbs traditionally used to help maintain internal balance .

View Gut health product line


What role does the endocannabinoid system play in regulating hunger and satiety, and how does it relate to obesity?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the master regulatory system of the body, controlling various processes, including hunger and satiety.

How do Firmicutes and Bacteroides bacteria in the gut microbiome influence weight gain and cravings?

  • The gut microbiome consists of two major types of bacteria:
    • Bacteroides – Generally considered the "good" bacteria, they produce short-chain fatty acids that support digestion and immune function.
    • Firmicutes – These bacteria, when overgrown , increase caloric demand and manipulate dopamine and serotonin levels to induce cravings.
  • When Firmicutes dominate, they cause strong hunger signals and encourage overeating , particularly of sugar, gluten, and high-calorie foods.
  • Fermented foods like apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles can help restore balance by supporting Bacteroides growth.

What are some natural alternatives to semaglutides like Ozempic for controlling hunger and supporting weight loss?

  • Semaglutides work by stimulating satiety molecules like GLP-1, GIP, and peptide YY , which signal fullness.
  • Instead of relying on injections, the body can naturally stimulate these satiety molecules by consuming oleic acid , found in olive oil, avocados, and nuts .
  • A tablespoon of olive oil can help satisfy hunger and reduce food cravings.
  • Other effective strategies include intermittent fasting , consuming omega-3 fatty acids to balance omega-6 intake , and eating fermented foods to maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

Chip Paul is a health innovator, researcher, and co-founder of TrueMedX . With a passion for uncovering the science behind natural wellness, Chip has dedicated his career to understanding how the body works at its core, particularly through the endocannabinoid system (ECS) . As the host of the Chip Talks Health podcast, he shares science-backed insights, empowering individuals to take charge of their health. Chip’s work focuses on identifying root causes of health issues and creating solutions that help people achieve balance and thrive.

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